Winter Holiday Ornaments

I made winter holiday ornaments for Sheridan's annual Craft and Design Studio Sale.

Materials: white oak, red oak, plant-based pigmented wax-oil finishes

Digital model made in Autodesk Fusion.
Printed drawings from Fusion.

Glued printouts onto wood.

Drilled hole for hanging string.

Cut them out on bandsaw as close to line as possible.

Use spindle sander to shape right up to the line.

Chisel out inside edges, then mark center lines on the 5 points of the star.

On disk sander, shape the 5 facets on template side of star, then mark center on other side.

Shape facets on second side.

Finish-sand all facets by hand, up to 180 grit.

Stain with pigmented Osmo wax-oils.

The first star took a little longer than I expected. But with each star, I got faster and more accurate.

It was fun. If I didn't have other projects to work on, I would have made more. I wanted to try other woods, and yellow pigment.